# Infernal v2 A Venda !

    Percebi que não estou tendo lucro em cima de meus ataques e em cima de meu conhecimento .. também percebi que está na hora de eu começar a usar minhas boas idéias e meus grandes conhecimentos para me dar bem (Lucrar) . Então decidi vender o Infernal v2 , que é o programa feito e utilizado somente por mim para algumas invasoes no hotel .  Enfim, quem quiser comprar eu aceito deposito bancário ou pagamento no habbo br . Ficará um pouco carinho mais valerá a pena .
Enteressado ?  Entre em contato   :ann_member666@live.com

# Verdadeiro ou falso ?

 Somente estou postando esse "print" para voces saberem que eh verdadeiro e tbm uma pronuncia minha .

O fim da linha ?

  Hoje minhas fontes me mandaram um tratado de paz oferecido pela moderadora Rebecca da comunidade HP . Pois bem , meu intuito nunca foi deixar as pessoas com odio de mim ou pagar de mal  . Somente ando por ai coletando meus conhecimentos , quem nao colaborar eu dou meus "pulos" e mostro a potencia da Dominums , mais ja que muitos por ai se revoltam e me chingam .. Nao posso fazer nada neh . ^^
     Mais enfim , veremos oque  farei enquanto a esse post dela .

# Dominums | Parcerias sem preço

  Essa eh a sua chance de ter seu hotel 100% protegido por 666 e a Dominums . 
  97% de GRAÇA !  voce nao paga nada , apenas algumas negociaçoes e o banner da Dominums Blog em seu 
 hotel .   

Oque ganho com essa parceria ? 
Proteçao anti ddos 100%
Manutençao do hotel exclusiva por 666
Link do seu hotel em nosso blog
Programa Protect oficial da Dominums
Housekeeping para seu hotel exclusivo e totalmente traduzido
 E muito mais ! 

Oque eu tenho que pagar ? 
Voce nao paga nada ! Nao sai nem um centavo do seu bolso para investir na proteçao de seu hotel ! 

Como posso inscrever meu hotel  ? 
 Simples ! Adicione nosso banner ao site de seu hotel , faça a negociaçao com o dono 666 e tenha seu hotel 100% protegido.
 Adicione em seu msn : Ann_member666@live.com 
   Faça sua parceria e boa sorte ! 

 Obs : Somente serao aceitas parcerias com hoteis que tiverem o numero de registros maior que 500 e ao menos 50 usuarios online ao dia .

# Vista-se como um Dominums

 Se voce joga um hp e quer se parecer com um membro da Dominums ( Visual ) , aqui esta o nosso unirfome detalhadamente para voce se vestir seguindo nossos uniformes .. Mostre que voce eh um seguidor fiel , e junte-se a causa !    Nossa missao oficial eh :   # Dominums Exercit , #00567

# So pode ser brincadeira

    KKKKKK '  , gente voces nao sabem oque eu tenho que aguentar kkkkkk , um idiota achando que sabe alguma coisa sobre hack me ameaçando . Eu poderia deixar passar , mais como esse babaca que esta querendo sujar minha imagem na frente de mais de 60 mil membros . Todos sabem que eu sou o maior hacker de hp do mundo --' , nao falo para me gabar e sim porque eh fato . Se alguem estiver disposto a provar que eu nao sou o melhor do mundo , venha ate mim e coloque um desafio . Enquanto ninguem tem essa coragem 666 e Dominums reinam . Voce acha Felipe que eu sinto medo de voce e da suas ameaças ?  kkkkkkk voce eh um mlk querendo ser homem na frente dos membros da sua comunidade . RIDICULO !
Parceiro eu sou eu , me garanto ao contrario de voce meu amigo . Voce eh um lixo , nao sabe nem oque esta fazendo na face da terra e ta querendo se crescer para cima de mim parça .
 Vamos ver se voce eh homem mesmo .  Me adicione no msn , e bate de frente comigo . Vamos ver quem pode mais  :]



# Isso seria amor ?

  Meu , nossa sinceramente já estou ficando invocado com essas pessoas que se acham melhores doque as outras . Não podem se achar nem em cima de um mendigo e querem se achar em cima de mim ?  A vai se f**** cara , o engraçado é que ninguem tem coragem de falar na minha cara :
- 666 , você é isso , isso e aquilo
 Não , os ignorantes ficam fazendo tópicos em comunidades , grupinhos , todo mundo é homem pra falar de mim por trás , agora quero ver quem bate de frente . Depois vai lá chorar com tópicos pedindo para mim deixar em paz .. to de saco cheio já .. Oque que vocês querem meu ? entrar na lista negra  ? minha lista negra so entra coisas que realmente importam , não é porque você me chingou que eu vou te por lá , não sou criança , não sou de me deixar levar por provocações , então vai se fuder .

# Problem ?

 Serio , hoje estou com uma sede de saber .. com pensamentos sobrios e profundos que me fizeram pensar .
      Porque o ser humano se acha tão grandioso ?    Eu posso ter todos meus conhecimentos , saber burlar muitos sistemas , porem isso não faz de mim um deus .. Só que criei isso nao para falar de mim e sim das outras pessoas que se acham mais grandiosas que as outras . Eu não me gabo por saber hackear e outras coisas , porque pessoas como o dono da comunidade Habbo Pirata , felipe nao sei oque . O cara acha que porque foi o primeiro a criar uma comunida de sucesso sobre Hps ele é alguem kkkkkkkkk , pra mim nao passa de um noob querendo ser alguem na vida .. Mais enfim né  , cada um se resolve como pode . Bjs

# A real historia de 666

Bem muitas pessoas perguntam meu nome verdadeiro , inventam historias de quem eu sou na real , tentam descubrir , pedem fotos enfim .. Todas essas tentativas sao fracassadas pois somente algumas pessoas no mundo todo sabem minha real identidade. O fato eh que 666 nao passa de um personagem cracker e hacker , ou seja eu tenho minha vida na net como outra pessoa (meu off) que tbm joga hp , inclusive sou staff de hoteis conhecidos e etc , entao nao fico so como 666 na net. ..

#Como surgiu
Sempre me enteressei por programaçao , design e etc , e como uma coisa leva a outra , nao deixei de conhecer artigos hacker e variados... A alguns anos comecei a aprender como invadir sites e servidores e fui me aprofundando no assunto ate que comecei a programar softwares enfim .. No começo do mes de Julho de 2011 entediado em minha casa sem nada para fazer , decido atacar um habbo pirata .. Entrei em um servidor me cadastrei e quando chegou a hora de colocar um nome .. como eu costumava fazer , pensei em um nome qualquer e coloquei para registrar . O nome era 666 e mal sabia eu que esse nome poderia ficar marcado para sempre na historia dos servidores de habbo privado .. O ataque foi simples , apenas um pouco de Sql Injector e alguns adicionais e Alakazam , eu estava dentro do Housekeeping do hotel .. Coloquei cargo para mim e efetuei o ataque . Alguns minutos depois a maior comunidade sobre Habbo Pirata do orkut estava com mais de 5 topicos a respeito do meu ataque .. Aquela sensaçao .. foi estranha , porem fez crescer ambiçao em mim .. Continuei a atacar servidores , como todos criaram topicos com meu nome 666 decidi entao usa-lo em todos meus ataques .

Nao tem como falar do 666 ou da Dominums sem citar o Infernal ( Software criado e utilizado somente por mim) . O infernal nada mais eh e foi um modo de eu simplificar meus ataques .. O programa mais cobiçado dos hackers de hp , foi criado e programado por mim atraves de outros softwares. Imbuti um sistema de injeçao de tabelas com sql injector , permitindo-me verificar a compatibilidade de senhas e logins dos hoteis . Se for compativel com a tabela.sql injetada eu entro facilmente na administraçao do hotel .. Esses ataques sao dificies de ser efetuados sem o auxilio de uma ferramente como o infernal , entao eu o criei para mim nao ter mais que abrir todos os recursos .. Eh obvio que eu sei usar mais programas e metodos para invasao , porem o Infernal se tornou minha maior obra e eh por isso que eu criei esse afeto por ele .  E nao , nunca irei posta-lo para download ^^ 

Dominums Group ... oque dizer .. Dominums para mim ja passou de um grupo , oque foi idealizado como um grupo se tornou um exercito de crackers e hackers disponiveis ao meu favor a qualquer hora que precisarmos . Entao a qualquer ataque eu conto com o auxilio de meus queridos irmaos da Dominums , a qual eu tenho um enorme respeito e admiraçao . 

#666 , Cracker ou Hacker ? 
Para quem nao conhece a diferença de um cracker para um hacker , vou explicar brevemente a voces . Um hacker e aquele que tem conhecimentos invasores e maleficiosos mais nao usa-os para prejudicar , usa esses conhecimentos para proteçao de web sites e etc . O cracker eh aquele que invade para Ownar , por diversao e brincadeira , sem fins ou objetivos . 666  , eu me denomino como um hacker e um cracker , pois eu ataco um servidor com um objetivo , depois que esse objetivo eh alcançado eu viro amigo do servidor na maioria das vezes e ate ajudo com a proteçao , entao nao me julguem mal .

Queria deixar um grande agradecimento aos leitores do Dominums Group blog , aos meus seguidores , a todos os membros da Dominums Group , a Crazzy , para minha princesa Kelly Sayuri uma das causas de eu nao ser um cracker completo u.u  .. E acho que eh so isso . Obrigado , continue visitando nosso blog  .

# Se isso acontecer com voce ....

Nao seja como o estupido da tirinha , apenas feche o navegador e abra de novo '-'

# Contatos 666

  Alguns contatos com o lider da Dominums Group .

Msn : Ann_member666@live.com           |nada de mulheres por decisao de KellySayuri| -qn
Skype  : Dominums

Acho que eh so isso '-'
 Nao curto mt twitter e facebook e uma puta falta de sacanagem entao bjbj

# Eh pra rir mesmo

   Confesso que eu nunca ri tanto esse ano como eu ri com esse print que me mandaram
    Ja vi muitas versoes fakes de quem eu realmente sou ... mais essa foi mais ilaria doque a vez que o menino
 disse que eu era o demonio dos computadores kkkkkk , mais enfim , olhem isso :

KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK '  aiai gente  !   Querem me matar , e tao conseguindo .. Matar de tanto rir KKKKKKKKKKKKK

Cap fire meu amigo ?  se fumou um cachimbao de crack foi ? KKKKK , aiai   desculpa ai senhor forun  ! KKKKK   FORUM analfabeto --'  , ah morre vai '-'

# Ownt , os defensores da patria KKKKK '

Como estou banido da comunidade HP e ja nem faço mais caso de entrar naquele lixo , informantes me passaram que um novo "Grupo" de hackers querem acabar com a Dominums e comigo . KKKKKKKKK , na boa amigao , nao e pq voce sabe usar sprut que voce eh um hacker . 666 e Dominums reinam , ngm nunca ira nos destronar . 3 beijos    , mais enfim , se entrar em meu caminho vai sofrer ;)   #avisados 

# Rendiçao , 666 nao perdoa

 Algumas criticas e insultos foram registradas da parte de Andre Nunes (ReyRey) na comunidade HP .
    666 nao perdoa , tomando providencias eu invadi os hotmail's dele e todos os contatos .

Apos isso , ReyRey que se demonstrava muito folgado e atrevido se rendeu a força de 666 e criou um topico na comunidade HP  pedindo perdao . 

#Matando a curiosidade

  Para quem tem curiosidade de como alguns de meus ataques sao efetuados , aqui vai um print da versao 2 de
  meu software Infernal .

Este pequeno grande software tem capacidade de conexao com seu pma (Php My Admin) local host e injeçao de tabelas especificadas . Verifica a compatibilidade da injeçao com o servidor passando informaçoes de senhas e nomes de usuarios . Com a opçao Sql Injector pode se obter infiltraçao no housekeeping do servidor fazendo com que a invasao seja facil e segura . Essa somente e a versao 2  , estou trabalhando na versao 3 que trara um disponibilidade de ataques bem maior . O programa nunca sera postado por mim , pelo menos eu pretendo nao postar , pois se for postado virara um caos o mundos dos hps . Entao deixamos em off neh ^^

 Noobs atacam novamente !
    A inveja virtual torna as pessoas os chamados noobs , #comprovado .
    Comunidade Hp - Orkut 26 de agosto de 2011

0 Important Mistakes to Avoid When Submitting Photos to Stock Photo Sites

10 Important Mistakes to Avoid When Submitting Photos to Stock Photo Sites

A quick and easy way to make money with your photos is by submitting them to stock photo sites online. You can start earning money with the photos that are already in your hard drive; you don't even have to take new photos right away.

If you want a step-by-step guide to monetizing your digital photos through stock photo sites and other ways, check out Turn Your Photos Into Cash.

Meantime, you can get started right now. But do make sure you don't make these 10 mistakes when you submit photos in stock photo sites:

1. Submitting low-quality photos. Don't waste your time and energy. Nobody wants blurred, under-exposed and other types of low-quality photos.

2. Not doing keyword research. The right keyword list can make or break the profitability of your photos.

3. Submitting photos that you don't own. You can get into real big trouble for doing this.

4. Submitting photos of people without a "model waiver." Know when you need a model waiver and always get one when necessary.

5. Submitting photos of objects owned by other people without a "property waiver." This is another legal requirement you should be aware of to avoid future headaches.

6. Submitting photos that don't meet the stock photo site's standards. You may think your photo is perfect but each site has its own standards, including minimum size, etc. Double check before submitting.

7. Submitting photos that have unwanted elements. Some items are simply unacceptable in photos. Find out which ones they are and either edit them out or avoid them altogether.

8. Submitting photos to stock photo sites which require exclusive contracts. Don't submit to these sites.

9. Submitting photos of mundane objects. Why bother when demand is low and they're all over the web already?

10. Submitting over-edited photos. Over-editing can drastically reduce the quality of your photos, causing them to be rejected.

If you want more detailed guidance on submitting to stock photo sites, I recommend Turn Your Photos Into Cash.

Aside from making money on stock photo sites, this fact-filled Ebook teaches a number of other ways you to turn digital photography from a hobby to a home business - a profitable one at that.

Click here to find out more about Turn Your Photos Into Cash.

0 Important Mistakes to Avoid When Submitting Photos to Stock Photo Sites

10 Important Mistakes to Avoid When Submitting Photos to Stock Photo Sites

A quick and easy way to make money with your photos is by submitting them to stock photo sites online. You can start earning money with the photos that are already in your hard drive; you don't even have to take new photos right away.

If you want a step-by-step guide to monetizing your digital photos through stock photo sites and other ways, check out Turn Your Photos Into Cash.

Meantime, you can get started right now. But do make sure you don't make these 10 mistakes when you submit photos in stock photo sites:

1. Submitting low-quality photos. Don't waste your time and energy. Nobody wants blurred, under-exposed and other types of low-quality photos.

2. Not doing keyword research. The right keyword list can make or break the profitability of your photos.

3. Submitting photos that you don't own. You can get into real big trouble for doing this.

4. Submitting photos of people without a "model waiver." Know when you need a model waiver and always get one when necessary.

5. Submitting photos of objects owned by other people without a "property waiver." This is another legal requirement you should be aware of to avoid future headaches.

6. Submitting photos that don't meet the stock photo site's standards. You may think your photo is perfect but each site has its own standards, including minimum size, etc. Double check before submitting.

7. Submitting photos that have unwanted elements. Some items are simply unacceptable in photos. Find out which ones they are and either edit them out or avoid them altogether.

8. Submitting photos to stock photo sites which require exclusive contracts. Don't submit to these sites.

9. Submitting photos of mundane objects. Why bother when demand is low and they're all over the web already?

10. Submitting over-edited photos. Over-editing can drastically reduce the quality of your photos, causing them to be rejected.

If you want more detailed guidance on submitting to stock photo sites, I recommend Turn Your Photos Into Cash.

Aside from making money on stock photo sites, this fact-filled Ebook teaches a number of other ways you to turn digital photography from a hobby to a home business - a profitable one at that.

Click here to find out more about Turn Your Photos Into Cash.

0 Important Mistakes to Avoid When Submitting Photos to Stock Photo Sites

10 Important Mistakes to Avoid When Submitting Photos to Stock Photo Sites

A quick and easy way to make money with your photos is by submitting them to stock photo sites online. You can start earning money with the photos that are already in your hard drive; you don't even have to take new photos right away.

If you want a step-by-step guide to monetizing your digital photos through stock photo sites and other ways, check out Turn Your Photos Into Cash.

Meantime, you can get started right now. But do make sure you don't make these 10 mistakes when you submit photos in stock photo sites:

1. Submitting low-quality photos. Don't waste your time and energy. Nobody wants blurred, under-exposed and other types of low-quality photos.

2. Not doing keyword research. The right keyword list can make or break the profitability of your photos.

3. Submitting photos that you don't own. You can get into real big trouble for doing this.

4. Submitting photos of people without a "model waiver." Know when you need a model waiver and always get one when necessary.

5. Submitting photos of objects owned by other people without a "property waiver." This is another legal requirement you should be aware of to avoid future headaches.

6. Submitting photos that don't meet the stock photo site's standards. You may think your photo is perfect but each site has its own standards, including minimum size, etc. Double check before submitting.

7. Submitting photos that have unwanted elements. Some items are simply unacceptable in photos. Find out which ones they are and either edit them out or avoid them altogether.

8. Submitting photos to stock photo sites which require exclusive contracts. Don't submit to these sites.

9. Submitting photos of mundane objects. Why bother when demand is low and they're all over the web already?

10. Submitting over-edited photos. Over-editing can drastically reduce the quality of your photos, causing them to be rejected.

If you want more detailed guidance on submitting to stock photo sites, I recommend Turn Your Photos Into Cash.

Aside from making money on stock photo sites, this fact-filled Ebook teaches a number of other ways you to turn digital photography from a hobby to a home business - a profitable one at that.

Click here to find out more about Turn Your Photos Into Cash.

Top 18 Reasons Digital Photography Makes a Great Home Career

Top 18 Reasons Digital Photography Makes a Great Home Career

With jobs becoming increasingly hard to find and difficult to keep, many are looking for ways to earn money from home. Digital photography is an excellent way to work for yourself and make extra - or even a full-time - income at home.

If you're interested, download this free report called "Make Money with Digital Photography."

If you're still undecided, this might change your mind. Here are 18 reasons why digital photography makes a great home career:

1. Minimum equipment required

To make money with digital photography, all you need are: a digital camera, a computer, and Internet access. In fact, you may already have all three.

2. No need for special training

Anybody who can take decent pictures can make money by selling digital photos. You don't have to have formal training, or so many years of experience. You can be young or old, male or female.

3. Low start-up costs

Aside from the equipment required, you don't need to make any other investments. This means you can get started immediately.

4. No need to leave home

If you like, you can do sell digital photographs completely from home. Yes, that includes taking photographs.

5. Money in your hard drive

You may already have pictures in your computer that you can sell right away. In fact, you should begin with those.

6. Make money when traveling

If you like to travel, you can make your trip pay for itself by taking pictures on your trip and selling them online.

7. Location independent business

You can have sell your digital photographs from anywhere, as long as you have your equipment (see number 1). This means you could be a nomad and still make a living.

8. Flexible hours

Work when you want, as much as you want. Do it full time or part time. It's up to you!

9. No need to build websites

Although you'll be selling digital photographs online, you absolutely don't have to build a website - unlike other online marketers.

10. Stock photo sites do the marketing for you

You don't have to do any marketing, either, because stock photo sites do it all for you. All you have to do is take high-quality photographs. (More on that in "Make Money with Digital Photography."

11. No fees to sell online

You don't have to pay any fees to sell in stock photo sites. It's completely free to become a member and start selling your photos.

12. No need to set up a shopping cart

Again, stock photo sites take care of processing payments for your photographs. You will have to be able to accept payments from stock photo sites. A PayPal account should be enough.

13. Enhanced creativity

This business forces you to become more creative, such as in the way you choose the subjects of your pictures, to how you edit them.

14. Sharper photography skills

You have to improve your photography skills if you want to succeed in this business. The longer you keep at it, the better you'll become.

15. Build your portfolio and expertise

Selling digital photos online helps build your reputation as a photographer. You can easily build a portfolio based on your best-selling pictures.

16. Profit from passion

You can easily combine this home business with a hobby or special interest you have. Because of the wide range of subjects that are in high demand, you don't have to take pictures that you don't care about.

17. Steady demand

As more and more stock photos are sold and bought, the demand for fresh photos increases. Marketers always want unique pictures for their materials, which further increases the demand for more digital photos.

18. It's profitable

Because of low overhead costs, it's easy to earn a full-time income from selling digital photography. University students are doing it, stay at home Moms are doing it, and you can do it too.

However, you have to know some insider secrets. Which types of photographs sell easily online? How do you avoid legal problems? How do you work with stock photo sites? How can you sell more photos?

You'll find the answers in "Make Money with Digital Photography." It's completely free, so go and grab it now.

Top 18 Reasons Digital Photography Makes a Great Home Career

Top 18 Reasons Digital Photography Makes a Great Home Career

With jobs becoming increasingly hard to find and difficult to keep, many are looking for ways to earn money from home. Digital photography is an excellent way to work for yourself and make extra - or even a full-time - income at home.

If you're interested, download this free report called "Make Money with Digital Photography."

If you're still undecided, this might change your mind. Here are 18 reasons why digital photography makes a great home career:

1. Minimum equipment required

To make money with digital photography, all you need are: a digital camera, a computer, and Internet access. In fact, you may already have all three.

2. No need for special training

Anybody who can take decent pictures can make money by selling digital photos. You don't have to have formal training, or so many years of experience. You can be young or old, male or female.

3. Low start-up costs

Aside from the equipment required, you don't need to make any other investments. This means you can get started immediately.

4. No need to leave home

If you like, you can do sell digital photographs completely from home. Yes, that includes taking photographs.

5. Money in your hard drive

You may already have pictures in your computer that you can sell right away. In fact, you should begin with those.

6. Make money when traveling

If you like to travel, you can make your trip pay for itself by taking pictures on your trip and selling them online.

7. Location independent business

You can have sell your digital photographs from anywhere, as long as you have your equipment (see number 1). This means you could be a nomad and still make a living.

8. Flexible hours

Work when you want, as much as you want. Do it full time or part time. It's up to you!

9. No need to build websites

Although you'll be selling digital photographs online, you absolutely don't have to build a website - unlike other online marketers.

10. Stock photo sites do the marketing for you

You don't have to do any marketing, either, because stock photo sites do it all for you. All you have to do is take high-quality photographs. (More on that in "Make Money with Digital Photography."

11. No fees to sell online

You don't have to pay any fees to sell in stock photo sites. It's completely free to become a member and start selling your photos.

12. No need to set up a shopping cart

Again, stock photo sites take care of processing payments for your photographs. You will have to be able to accept payments from stock photo sites. A PayPal account should be enough.

13. Enhanced creativity

This business forces you to become more creative, such as in the way you choose the subjects of your pictures, to how you edit them.

14. Sharper photography skills

You have to improve your photography skills if you want to succeed in this business. The longer you keep at it, the better you'll become.

15. Build your portfolio and expertise

Selling digital photos online helps build your reputation as a photographer. You can easily build a portfolio based on your best-selling pictures.

16. Profit from passion

You can easily combine this home business with a hobby or special interest you have. Because of the wide range of subjects that are in high demand, you don't have to take pictures that you don't care about.

17. Steady demand

As more and more stock photos are sold and bought, the demand for fresh photos increases. Marketers always want unique pictures for their materials, which further increases the demand for more digital photos.

18. It's profitable

Because of low overhead costs, it's easy to earn a full-time income from selling digital photography. University students are doing it, stay at home Moms are doing it, and you can do it too.

However, you have to know some insider secrets. Which types of photographs sell easily online? How do you avoid legal problems? How do you work with stock photo sites? How can you sell more photos?

You'll find the answers in "Make Money with Digital Photography." It's completely free, so go and grab it now.

Top 18 Reasons Digital Photography Makes a Great Home Career

Top 18 Reasons Digital Photography Makes a Great Home Career

With jobs becoming increasingly hard to find and difficult to keep, many are looking for ways to earn money from home. Digital photography is an excellent way to work for yourself and make extra - or even a full-time - income at home.

If you're interested, download this free report called "Make Money with Digital Photography."

If you're still undecided, this might change your mind. Here are 18 reasons why digital photography makes a great home career:

1. Minimum equipment required

To make money with digital photography, all you need are: a digital camera, a computer, and Internet access. In fact, you may already have all three.

2. No need for special training

Anybody who can take decent pictures can make money by selling digital photos. You don't have to have formal training, or so many years of experience. You can be young or old, male or female.

3. Low start-up costs

Aside from the equipment required, you don't need to make any other investments. This means you can get started immediately.

4. No need to leave home

If you like, you can do sell digital photographs completely from home. Yes, that includes taking photographs.

5. Money in your hard drive

You may already have pictures in your computer that you can sell right away. In fact, you should begin with those.

6. Make money when traveling

If you like to travel, you can make your trip pay for itself by taking pictures on your trip and selling them online.

7. Location independent business

You can have sell your digital photographs from anywhere, as long as you have your equipment (see number 1). This means you could be a nomad and still make a living.

8. Flexible hours

Work when you want, as much as you want. Do it full time or part time. It's up to you!

9. No need to build websites

Although you'll be selling digital photographs online, you absolutely don't have to build a website - unlike other online marketers.

10. Stock photo sites do the marketing for you

You don't have to do any marketing, either, because stock photo sites do it all for you. All you have to do is take high-quality photographs. (More on that in "Make Money with Digital Photography."

11. No fees to sell online

You don't have to pay any fees to sell in stock photo sites. It's completely free to become a member and start selling your photos.

12. No need to set up a shopping cart

Again, stock photo sites take care of processing payments for your photographs. You will have to be able to accept payments from stock photo sites. A PayPal account should be enough.

13. Enhanced creativity

This business forces you to become more creative, such as in the way you choose the subjects of your pictures, to how you edit them.

14. Sharper photography skills

You have to improve your photography skills if you want to succeed in this business. The longer you keep at it, the better you'll become.

15. Build your portfolio and expertise

Selling digital photos online helps build your reputation as a photographer. You can easily build a portfolio based on your best-selling pictures.

16. Profit from passion

You can easily combine this home business with a hobby or special interest you have. Because of the wide range of subjects that are in high demand, you don't have to take pictures that you don't care about.

17. Steady demand

As more and more stock photos are sold and bought, the demand for fresh photos increases. Marketers always want unique pictures for their materials, which further increases the demand for more digital photos.

18. It's profitable

Because of low overhead costs, it's easy to earn a full-time income from selling digital photography. University students are doing it, stay at home Moms are doing it, and you can do it too.

However, you have to know some insider secrets. Which types of photographs sell easily online? How do you avoid legal problems? How do you work with stock photo sites? How can you sell more photos?

You'll find the answers in "Make Money with Digital Photography." It's completely free, so go and grab it now.

Make Extra Money for the Holidays: Turn Your Photos Into Cash

Do you max out your credit cards during the Christmas holidays and spend the new year paying them off? Here's a better idea: raise extra cash for the holidays and actually have the money to celebrate and enjoy the season.

I've got a solution that's easy, fast and - don't worry - it's perfectly legal and legitimate. The sooner you get started, the sooner you'll be raising your holiday funds. What's more, this method will keep the extra cash coming in for months, even years to come.

I'm talking about turning your digital photos into cash. That is, sell your digital photos online through stock photo sites. It takes a minimal amount of time to get set up, and then it's a matter of adding pictures to your collections and tweaking them to sell more photos.

Here's how you can turn your photos into Christmas cash:

1. Sign up for free accounts in stock photo sites, if you haven't done so yet.

Make a Google search for stock photo sites, and sign up for those that allow photographers to sell their photos online. Make sure you can register for free, and read and re-read the terms of use to make sure everything's acceptable to you. You'll want to steer clear of sites that require you to pay for registration, or to give the copyright of your photos to them.

2. Look for sellable photos in your hard drive.

You probably already have sellable photos sitting in your hard drive right now. Organize your photos a folder. To find out which photos sell fast online, check out this free report called "Make Money with Digital Photography."

3. Prepare your photos for selling.

Your photos may require a little polishing to turn then into best-selling gems. Use your image editing software to make your photos professional quality.

You'll also want to tag your photos with appropriate keywords. To learn why keywords are important and how to find the right keywords, read your copy of "Make Money with Digital Photography." It's free.

4. Make a list of additional photos you can take right now.

As you read "Make Money with Digital Photography," you'll get ideas for more types of photos you need to be selling right now. Make a list of photo subjects you can take pictures of right away, to build up your catalog of in-demand photos.

5. Promote your photos.

Let everybody know that online photos are available. Send links your friends, family, clients and social networking contacts.

As you can see, it only takes a few hours work to start making extra cash for the holidays. In fact, some digital photography enthusiasts do this to earn a full-tim income.

To find out how to make your digital photos profitable, get your free copy of "Make Money with Digital Photography." In this report, you'll learn:

- What you need to know about making money with stock photo sites

- Four tips for creating photos that others are eager to buy

- Tips and tricks to draw more traffic to your photos online

- Four in-demand subjects you should be taking photos of

- How to edit your photos so you can sell more of them

Click here to download your free report right now.

Make Extra Money for the Holidays: Turn Your Photos Into Cash

Do you max out your credit cards during the Christmas holidays and spend the new year paying them off? Here's a better idea: raise extra cash for the holidays and actually have the money to celebrate and enjoy the season.

I've got a solution that's easy, fast and - don't worry - it's perfectly legal and legitimate. The sooner you get started, the sooner you'll be raising your holiday funds. What's more, this method will keep the extra cash coming in for months, even years to come.

I'm talking about turning your digital photos into cash. That is, sell your digital photos online through stock photo sites. It takes a minimal amount of time to get set up, and then it's a matter of adding pictures to your collections and tweaking them to sell more photos.

Here's how you can turn your photos into Christmas cash:

1. Sign up for free accounts in stock photo sites, if you haven't done so yet.

Make a Google search for stock photo sites, and sign up for those that allow photographers to sell their photos online. Make sure you can register for free, and read and re-read the terms of use to make sure everything's acceptable to you. You'll want to steer clear of sites that require you to pay for registration, or to give the copyright of your photos to them.

2. Look for sellable photos in your hard drive.

You probably already have sellable photos sitting in your hard drive right now. Organize your photos a folder. To find out which photos sell fast online, check out this free report called "Make Money with Digital Photography."

3. Prepare your photos for selling.

Your photos may require a little polishing to turn then into best-selling gems. Use your image editing software to make your photos professional quality.

You'll also want to tag your photos with appropriate keywords. To learn why keywords are important and how to find the right keywords, read your copy of "Make Money with Digital Photography." It's free.

4. Make a list of additional photos you can take right now.

As you read "Make Money with Digital Photography," you'll get ideas for more types of photos you need to be selling right now. Make a list of photo subjects you can take pictures of right away, to build up your catalog of in-demand photos.

5. Promote your photos.

Let everybody know that online photos are available. Send links your friends, family, clients and social networking contacts.

As you can see, it only takes a few hours work to start making extra cash for the holidays. In fact, some digital photography enthusiasts do this to earn a full-tim income.

To find out how to make your digital photos profitable, get your free copy of "Make Money with Digital Photography." In this report, you'll learn:

- What you need to know about making money with stock photo sites

- Four tips for creating photos that others are eager to buy

- Tips and tricks to draw more traffic to your photos online

- Four in-demand subjects you should be taking photos of

- How to edit your photos so you can sell more of them

Click here to download your free report right now.

Make Extra Money for the Holidays: Turn Your Photos Into Cash

Do you max out your credit cards during the Christmas holidays and spend the new year paying them off? Here's a better idea: raise extra cash for the holidays and actually have the money to celebrate and enjoy the season.

I've got a solution that's easy, fast and - don't worry - it's perfectly legal and legitimate. The sooner you get started, the sooner you'll be raising your holiday funds. What's more, this method will keep the extra cash coming in for months, even years to come.

I'm talking about turning your digital photos into cash. That is, sell your digital photos online through stock photo sites. It takes a minimal amount of time to get set up, and then it's a matter of adding pictures to your collections and tweaking them to sell more photos.

Here's how you can turn your photos into Christmas cash:

1. Sign up for free accounts in stock photo sites, if you haven't done so yet.

Make a Google search for stock photo sites, and sign up for those that allow photographers to sell their photos online. Make sure you can register for free, and read and re-read the terms of use to make sure everything's acceptable to you. You'll want to steer clear of sites that require you to pay for registration, or to give the copyright of your photos to them.

2. Look for sellable photos in your hard drive.

You probably already have sellable photos sitting in your hard drive right now. Organize your photos a folder. To find out which photos sell fast online, check out this free report called "Make Money with Digital Photography."

3. Prepare your photos for selling.

Your photos may require a little polishing to turn then into best-selling gems. Use your image editing software to make your photos professional quality.

You'll also want to tag your photos with appropriate keywords. To learn why keywords are important and how to find the right keywords, read your copy of "Make Money with Digital Photography." It's free.

4. Make a list of additional photos you can take right now.

As you read "Make Money with Digital Photography," you'll get ideas for more types of photos you need to be selling right now. Make a list of photo subjects you can take pictures of right away, to build up your catalog of in-demand photos.

5. Promote your photos.

Let everybody know that online photos are available. Send links your friends, family, clients and social networking contacts.

As you can see, it only takes a few hours work to start making extra cash for the holidays. In fact, some digital photography enthusiasts do this to earn a full-tim income.

To find out how to make your digital photos profitable, get your free copy of "Make Money with Digital Photography." In this report, you'll learn:

- What you need to know about making money with stock photo sites

- Four tips for creating photos that others are eager to buy

- Tips and tricks to draw more traffic to your photos online

- Four in-demand subjects you should be taking photos of

- How to edit your photos so you can sell more of them

Click here to download your free report right now.

Take photos of yourself

More Tips for Turning Your Photos Into Cash

Last time, I gave you the 5 steps you can take to make some extra cash this Christmas. If you followed those steps, then you're on your way to earning money with your digital photographs online - if you haven't already.

This time, I'd like to give you 3 additional tips to help you sell more of your photos online. Do these steps after you're absolutely sure you have exhausted all the photos you already have in your hard drive.

These tips will help you grow your online photo catalog and discover how to provide the photos that online buyers are really looking for.

1. Take photos of yourself.

It can be tricky to take pictures of people, because you need to be covered legally. So the easiest human subject to photograph is... yourself. You can get specific tips for doing this for profit from this no-cost report, "Make Money with Digital Photography."

2. Take photos of objects in and around your home.

Another fast and easy way to get photos to sell online is to simply shoot objects inside or around your very own home. Publishers are always looking for photos of ordinary objects, office equipment, and whatever else you have lying around the house.

3. Find out what pictures people are looking for.

Learn how to do keyword research so you'll have a good idea of which photos are in high demand online. A quick Google search will lead you to good tutorials for doing keyword research. You can learn this in under half an hour.

Follow these additional tips and you'll soon be enjoying a nice passive income from your digital photos - not just this holiday season, but for many months to come.

For more detailed guidelines, make sure you read this f-ree report, "Make Money with Digital Photography."

Take photos of yourself

More Tips for Turning Your Photos Into Cash

Last time, I gave you the 5 steps you can take to make some extra cash this Christmas. If you followed those steps, then you're on your way to earning money with your digital photographs online - if you haven't already.

This time, I'd like to give you 3 additional tips to help you sell more of your photos online. Do these steps after you're absolutely sure you have exhausted all the photos you already have in your hard drive.

These tips will help you grow your online photo catalog and discover how to provide the photos that online buyers are really looking for.

1. Take photos of yourself.

It can be tricky to take pictures of people, because you need to be covered legally. So the easiest human subject to photograph is... yourself. You can get specific tips for doing this for profit from this no-cost report, "Make Money with Digital Photography."

2. Take photos of objects in and around your home.

Another fast and easy way to get photos to sell online is to simply shoot objects inside or around your very own home. Publishers are always looking for photos of ordinary objects, office equipment, and whatever else you have lying around the house.

3. Find out what pictures people are looking for.

Learn how to do keyword research so you'll have a good idea of which photos are in high demand online. A quick Google search will lead you to good tutorials for doing keyword research. You can learn this in under half an hour.

Follow these additional tips and you'll soon be enjoying a nice passive income from your digital photos - not just this holiday season, but for many months to come.

For more detailed guidelines, make sure you read this f-ree report, "Make Money with Digital Photography."

Take photos of yourself

More Tips for Turning Your Photos Into Cash

Last time, I gave you the 5 steps you can take to make some extra cash this Christmas. If you followed those steps, then you're on your way to earning money with your digital photographs online - if you haven't already.

This time, I'd like to give you 3 additional tips to help you sell more of your photos online. Do these steps after you're absolutely sure you have exhausted all the photos you already have in your hard drive.

These tips will help you grow your online photo catalog and discover how to provide the photos that online buyers are really looking for.

1. Take photos of yourself.

It can be tricky to take pictures of people, because you need to be covered legally. So the easiest human subject to photograph is... yourself. You can get specific tips for doing this for profit from this no-cost report, "Make Money with Digital Photography."

2. Take photos of objects in and around your home.

Another fast and easy way to get photos to sell online is to simply shoot objects inside or around your very own home. Publishers are always looking for photos of ordinary objects, office equipment, and whatever else you have lying around the house.

3. Find out what pictures people are looking for.

Learn how to do keyword research so you'll have a good idea of which photos are in high demand online. A quick Google search will lead you to good tutorials for doing keyword research. You can learn this in under half an hour.

Follow these additional tips and you'll soon be enjoying a nice passive income from your digital photos - not just this holiday season, but for many months to come.

For more detailed guidelines, make sure you read this f-ree report, "Make Money with Digital Photography."

The Secret to Stock Photography Sales

If you want to make a living by selling stock photographs, you need to fully understand what people are looking for, what they are willing to pay for, and what you are going to get paid for your work. To start with, you are not going to make a fortune by selling photographs in small batches. The stock photography market works a little differently these days. You need to spend a great deal of time taking photographs and uploading them to the microstock websites located across the Internet.

On average,most microstock photographers expect to make between $1 and $2 per photograph each year. That may not sound like much, but if you can take hundreds of different photographs and then work with other routes to income as a photographer, you can start making a decent profit soon enough in your role. It make take a few years to make a full time living, but once you have a profile of thousands of photos they continue to sell each year on a rotating, residual basis.

And there are a lot of people who buy those photographs. Everyone from web designers to magazine editors to teachers and lawyers use them in their every day work efforts and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Of course, you need to know what images they are looking for most frequently and then how to market to those particular people.

The best images you can take shots of are those that show people in their everyday lives or of pets or of animals in the wild. The reason for this is that photos of things like natural wonders or buildings are a dime a dozen. One picture of the Statue of the Liberty looks like the next these days. However, every person or animal looks different and so they each have their own value to those who are looking to buy photos – yours can stand out in different ways and will sell many times better than the photos that don't fit that category. You'll need to of course spend a bit of time working out for yourself what will sell what won't. There is a whole world of different options on the market that may or may not sell depending on what you are willing to photograph.

For those interested in taking photographs and selling them to micro stock sites for a living, there is a very real market out there for you – just start looking into the different ways that you can learn the business, such as through  

The Secret to Stock Photography Sales

If you want to make a living by selling stock photographs, you need to fully understand what people are looking for, what they are willing to pay for, and what you are going to get paid for your work. To start with, you are not going to make a fortune by selling photographs in small batches. The stock photography market works a little differently these days. You need to spend a great deal of time taking photographs and uploading them to the microstock websites located across the Internet.

On average,most microstock photographers expect to make between $1 and $2 per photograph each year. That may not sound like much, but if you can take hundreds of different photographs and then work with other routes to income as a photographer, you can start making a decent profit soon enough in your role. It make take a few years to make a full time living, but once you have a profile of thousands of photos they continue to sell each year on a rotating, residual basis.

And there are a lot of people who buy those photographs. Everyone from web designers to magazine editors to teachers and lawyers use them in their every day work efforts and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Of course, you need to know what images they are looking for most frequently and then how to market to those particular people.

The best images you can take shots of are those that show people in their everyday lives or of pets or of animals in the wild. The reason for this is that photos of things like natural wonders or buildings are a dime a dozen. One picture of the Statue of the Liberty looks like the next these days. However, every person or animal looks different and so they each have their own value to those who are looking to buy photos – yours can stand out in different ways and will sell many times better than the photos that don't fit that category. You'll need to of course spend a bit of time working out for yourself what will sell what won't. There is a whole world of different options on the market that may or may not sell depending on what you are willing to photograph.

For those interested in taking photographs and selling them to micro stock sites for a living, there is a very real market out there for you – just start looking into the different ways that you can learn the business, such as through  

The Secret to Stock Photography Sales

If you want to make a living by selling stock photographs, you need to fully understand what people are looking for, what they are willing to pay for, and what you are going to get paid for your work. To start with, you are not going to make a fortune by selling photographs in small batches. The stock photography market works a little differently these days. You need to spend a great deal of time taking photographs and uploading them to the microstock websites located across the Internet.

On average,most microstock photographers expect to make between $1 and $2 per photograph each year. That may not sound like much, but if you can take hundreds of different photographs and then work with other routes to income as a photographer, you can start making a decent profit soon enough in your role. It make take a few years to make a full time living, but once you have a profile of thousands of photos they continue to sell each year on a rotating, residual basis.

And there are a lot of people who buy those photographs. Everyone from web designers to magazine editors to teachers and lawyers use them in their every day work efforts and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Of course, you need to know what images they are looking for most frequently and then how to market to those particular people.

The best images you can take shots of are those that show people in their everyday lives or of pets or of animals in the wild. The reason for this is that photos of things like natural wonders or buildings are a dime a dozen. One picture of the Statue of the Liberty looks like the next these days. However, every person or animal looks different and so they each have their own value to those who are looking to buy photos – yours can stand out in different ways and will sell many times better than the photos that don't fit that category. You'll need to of course spend a bit of time working out for yourself what will sell what won't. There is a whole world of different options on the market that may or may not sell depending on what you are willing to photograph.

For those interested in taking photographs and selling them to micro stock sites for a living, there is a very real market out there for you – just start looking into the different ways that you can learn the business, such as through  

Turning Your Love of the Camera Into a Viable Business

Photography is a hobby enjoyed by millions of individuals around the world. And with the rise of the digital camera on the Internet, more and more people around the globe have started finding new ways to make money with their camera – building upon what they teach themselves with that they learn by trying to make sales. This form of entrepreneurship has created a new field in which thousands of people have learned how to share images that they find meaningful for any number of purposes. However, wanting to start a business as a photographer does not just start because you enjoy taking photos. You need to have a good idea of what is involved in the process and how you are going to go about taking photos that will actually sell.

Your Business Plan

Before getting started, you need to know what kind of photographer you want to be. There are many different kinds and they all require a different approach to be successful. There are those that simply take stock photographs and load them onto websites where individuals buy photos for $2-$5 a piece for use in their books or presentations. This is a viable business enterprise for those that take a wide array of photos and are able to effectively maneuver their way around a computer – editing photos – making different sizes, changing lighting and prepping the images for upload and sale.

However, you can also make money from photographs by contacting publications and selling your images to people who can use them for a wide array of purposes – from magazine covers to travel stories, to billboards. This will require more contacts and a general idea of what various publishers are looking for from a photographer. If you don't have a place to start it can be hard to get a position doing this.

Working on Your Own

For the most part, most paid photographers are self employed and for good reason. Anyone that needs a photograph for anything can just contact a freelancer and get one. It's cheaper than having someone on staff at all times.

For those that are interested in going this route, a good resource tool is a good way to get started. You should have a book or a guide that can help you get your feet planted in the industry – one such book is located at Click Here to Get Started on Your Photography Career!. Learn what you need to become a paid photographer and finally earn money for your passions and hobbies.

Turning Your Love of the Camera Into a Viable Business

Photography is a hobby enjoyed by millions of individuals around the world. And with the rise of the digital camera on the Internet, more and more people around the globe have started finding new ways to make money with their camera – building upon what they teach themselves with that they learn by trying to make sales. This form of entrepreneurship has created a new field in which thousands of people have learned how to share images that they find meaningful for any number of purposes. However, wanting to start a business as a photographer does not just start because you enjoy taking photos. You need to have a good idea of what is involved in the process and how you are going to go about taking photos that will actually sell.

Your Business Plan

Before getting started, you need to know what kind of photographer you want to be. There are many different kinds and they all require a different approach to be successful. There are those that simply take stock photographs and load them onto websites where individuals buy photos for $2-$5 a piece for use in their books or presentations. This is a viable business enterprise for those that take a wide array of photos and are able to effectively maneuver their way around a computer – editing photos – making different sizes, changing lighting and prepping the images for upload and sale.

However, you can also make money from photographs by contacting publications and selling your images to people who can use them for a wide array of purposes – from magazine covers to travel stories, to billboards. This will require more contacts and a general idea of what various publishers are looking for from a photographer. If you don't have a place to start it can be hard to get a position doing this.

Working on Your Own

For the most part, most paid photographers are self employed and for good reason. Anyone that needs a photograph for anything can just contact a freelancer and get one. It's cheaper than having someone on staff at all times.

For those that are interested in going this route, a good resource tool is a good way to get started. You should have a book or a guide that can help you get your feet planted in the industry – one such book is located at Click Here to Get Started on Your Photography Career!. Learn what you need to become a paid photographer and finally earn money for your passions and hobbies.

Turning Your Love of the Camera Into a Viable Business

Photography is a hobby enjoyed by millions of individuals around the world. And with the rise of the digital camera on the Internet, more and more people around the globe have started finding new ways to make money with their camera – building upon what they teach themselves with that they learn by trying to make sales. This form of entrepreneurship has created a new field in which thousands of people have learned how to share images that they find meaningful for any number of purposes. However, wanting to start a business as a photographer does not just start because you enjoy taking photos. You need to have a good idea of what is involved in the process and how you are going to go about taking photos that will actually sell.

Your Business Plan

Before getting started, you need to know what kind of photographer you want to be. There are many different kinds and they all require a different approach to be successful. There are those that simply take stock photographs and load them onto websites where individuals buy photos for $2-$5 a piece for use in their books or presentations. This is a viable business enterprise for those that take a wide array of photos and are able to effectively maneuver their way around a computer – editing photos – making different sizes, changing lighting and prepping the images for upload and sale.

However, you can also make money from photographs by contacting publications and selling your images to people who can use them for a wide array of purposes – from magazine covers to travel stories, to billboards. This will require more contacts and a general idea of what various publishers are looking for from a photographer. If you don't have a place to start it can be hard to get a position doing this.

Working on Your Own

For the most part, most paid photographers are self employed and for good reason. Anyone that needs a photograph for anything can just contact a freelancer and get one. It's cheaper than having someone on staff at all times.

For those that are interested in going this route, a good resource tool is a good way to get started. You should have a book or a guide that can help you get your feet planted in the industry – one such book is located at Click Here to Get Started on Your Photography Career!. Learn what you need to become a paid photographer and finally earn money for your passions and hobbies.

Three Things to Look for in Your Photographs

Photography is a hobby practiced my millions of people around the world and something that any number of people enjoy on a daily basis. However, the effective use of a camera to start making a living is something entirely different than using a cheap digital camera at a soccer game. For individuals who are interested in turning their passion into a career, it is going to be necessary to start learning the different aspects of professional and well respected photography. While there are hundreds of details and things that you could spend an entire tenure in college learning about, there are three details that can get you started down the path to professional photo taking.

The Right Lines

Lines are a primary part of composition in photography. They create paths for the eye to follow and are thus highly effective in balancing and drawing attention to a photo. Curving an straight lines that lead to a destination in an image are ideal because they pull the eye inward. Diagonal lines create motion and jagged lines show violent change, such as in a mountain range. Learn how to utilize lines in your photos and you will have a much more effective route to composition.


The shapes in your photographs are equally important to effective composition. The most basic form of shape is the silhouette, which will show what the object is without any of the details involved with that image. Additionally, the features of texture, color and form can add depth to an image that all add different bits to the composition. Learn how to affect the lighting that changes the shapes in your photos to different effect and you will learn a great deal about your craft.


The texture of your image is going to be vital to the way it makes a viewer feel. People automatically relate to an image based on subtle details that create certain textures. Rocky surfaces, soft covers, ragged skin or billowy clouds – these are all textures that people relate to in an emotional way. Use hard and soft lighting to bring out different aspects of these textures to great effect.

If you are an aspiring photographer or a hobbyist looking for a way to make money with your hobby, you should take a look at Click Here to Get Started on Your Photography Career!. You will learn everything you need to start working effectively as a photographer, getting paid for what you enjoy most.

Three Things to Look for in Your Photographs

Photography is a hobby practiced my millions of people around the world and something that any number of people enjoy on a daily basis. However, the effective use of a camera to start making a living is something entirely different than using a cheap digital camera at a soccer game. For individuals who are interested in turning their passion into a career, it is going to be necessary to start learning the different aspects of professional and well respected photography. While there are hundreds of details and things that you could spend an entire tenure in college learning about, there are three details that can get you started down the path to professional photo taking.

The Right Lines

Lines are a primary part of composition in photography. They create paths for the eye to follow and are thus highly effective in balancing and drawing attention to a photo. Curving an straight lines that lead to a destination in an image are ideal because they pull the eye inward. Diagonal lines create motion and jagged lines show violent change, such as in a mountain range. Learn how to utilize lines in your photos and you will have a much more effective route to composition.


The shapes in your photographs are equally important to effective composition. The most basic form of shape is the silhouette, which will show what the object is without any of the details involved with that image. Additionally, the features of texture, color and form can add depth to an image that all add different bits to the composition. Learn how to affect the lighting that changes the shapes in your photos to different effect and you will learn a great deal about your craft.


The texture of your image is going to be vital to the way it makes a viewer feel. People automatically relate to an image based on subtle details that create certain textures. Rocky surfaces, soft covers, ragged skin or billowy clouds – these are all textures that people relate to in an emotional way. Use hard and soft lighting to bring out different aspects of these textures to great effect.

If you are an aspiring photographer or a hobbyist looking for a way to make money with your hobby, you should take a look at Click Here to Get Started on Your Photography Career!. You will learn everything you need to start working effectively as a photographer, getting paid for what you enjoy most.

Three Things to Look for in Your Photographs

Photography is a hobby practiced my millions of people around the world and something that any number of people enjoy on a daily basis. However, the effective use of a camera to start making a living is something entirely different than using a cheap digital camera at a soccer game. For individuals who are interested in turning their passion into a career, it is going to be necessary to start learning the different aspects of professional and well respected photography. While there are hundreds of details and things that you could spend an entire tenure in college learning about, there are three details that can get you started down the path to professional photo taking.

The Right Lines

Lines are a primary part of composition in photography. They create paths for the eye to follow and are thus highly effective in balancing and drawing attention to a photo. Curving an straight lines that lead to a destination in an image are ideal because they pull the eye inward. Diagonal lines create motion and jagged lines show violent change, such as in a mountain range. Learn how to utilize lines in your photos and you will have a much more effective route to composition.


The shapes in your photographs are equally important to effective composition. The most basic form of shape is the silhouette, which will show what the object is without any of the details involved with that image. Additionally, the features of texture, color and form can add depth to an image that all add different bits to the composition. Learn how to affect the lighting that changes the shapes in your photos to different effect and you will learn a great deal about your craft.


The texture of your image is going to be vital to the way it makes a viewer feel. People automatically relate to an image based on subtle details that create certain textures. Rocky surfaces, soft covers, ragged skin or billowy clouds – these are all textures that people relate to in an emotional way. Use hard and soft lighting to bring out different aspects of these textures to great effect.

If you are an aspiring photographer or a hobbyist looking for a way to make money with your hobby, you should take a look at Click Here to Get Started on Your Photography Career!. You will learn everything you need to start working effectively as a photographer, getting paid for what you enjoy most.

What You Can and Cannot Take Photos of Legally

Anyone interested in starting a career in photography needs to understand that there are limits to what they are allowed to take photos of. For example, you cannot just go out and start taking pictures of people in their homes and sell them off as stock photos of domestic life. You will get in trouble with the people whose photos you are trying to take. However, there are a lot of different subjects that you can take legal photos of if you know it in advance – these photos are completely legal and free of copyright, allowing you to resell them as you wish for your own purposes.

Click Here to Get Started on Your Photography Career!

The list of legal photography subjects that you can practice your trade on includes police officers on public land, traffic, people at a park (on public land, they can be photographed), public figures, infrastructure (not government buildings) and civilian ships and planes.

Of course, there are a few things that you should keep in mind with this list. If you go out of your way to take photographs of something that makes you look suspicious it may get you into trouble. That is why you should steer clear of any military images with your camera – as these could be misconstrued.

On the flip side of things, there are some subjects that you are not allowed to take photographs of and sell legally. You won't get a set list here so you need to use a little sound judgment and common sense before you make any decisions. First of all, you should ask if the person has an expectation of privacy then if the image is embarrassing for the person and finally if you are misrepresenting the person in any way. These photos can easily become libel risks and should never be published. What you are shooting an image of is not an issue, but the intent of the image or the result of having that image published. Of course, if you can get written consent for these kinds of photos, it is okay to have them published.

In the end, the goal of any good photographer should be to respect the expectations of privacy that every man and woman has. If you do this and stay clear of any photographs that might get you in trouble with Homeland Security, you will be okay with just about any photos you take.

For anyone out there who is seeking a path to become a professional photographer and start plying your trade for a living, start out by checking out Click Here to Get Started on Your Photography Career! – the fastest and most direct route to a career in taking photos.

What You Can and Cannot Take Photos of Legally

Anyone interested in starting a career in photography needs to understand that there are limits to what they are allowed to take photos of. For example, you cannot just go out and start taking pictures of people in their homes and sell them off as stock photos of domestic life. You will get in trouble with the people whose photos you are trying to take. However, there are a lot of different subjects that you can take legal photos of if you know it in advance – these photos are completely legal and free of copyright, allowing you to resell them as you wish for your own purposes.

Click Here to Get Started on Your Photography Career!

The list of legal photography subjects that you can practice your trade on includes police officers on public land, traffic, people at a park (on public land, they can be photographed), public figures, infrastructure (not government buildings) and civilian ships and planes.

Of course, there are a few things that you should keep in mind with this list. If you go out of your way to take photographs of something that makes you look suspicious it may get you into trouble. That is why you should steer clear of any military images with your camera – as these could be misconstrued.

On the flip side of things, there are some subjects that you are not allowed to take photographs of and sell legally. You won't get a set list here so you need to use a little sound judgment and common sense before you make any decisions. First of all, you should ask if the person has an expectation of privacy then if the image is embarrassing for the person and finally if you are misrepresenting the person in any way. These photos can easily become libel risks and should never be published. What you are shooting an image of is not an issue, but the intent of the image or the result of having that image published. Of course, if you can get written consent for these kinds of photos, it is okay to have them published.

In the end, the goal of any good photographer should be to respect the expectations of privacy that every man and woman has. If you do this and stay clear of any photographs that might get you in trouble with Homeland Security, you will be okay with just about any photos you take.

For anyone out there who is seeking a path to become a professional photographer and start plying your trade for a living, start out by checking out Click Here to Get Started on Your Photography Career! – the fastest and most direct route to a career in taking photos.

What You Can and Cannot Take Photos of Legally

Anyone interested in starting a career in photography needs to understand that there are limits to what they are allowed to take photos of. For example, you cannot just go out and start taking pictures of people in their homes and sell them off as stock photos of domestic life. You will get in trouble with the people whose photos you are trying to take. However, there are a lot of different subjects that you can take legal photos of if you know it in advance – these photos are completely legal and free of copyright, allowing you to resell them as you wish for your own purposes.

Click Here to Get Started on Your Photography Career!

The list of legal photography subjects that you can practice your trade on includes police officers on public land, traffic, people at a park (on public land, they can be photographed), public figures, infrastructure (not government buildings) and civilian ships and planes.

Of course, there are a few things that you should keep in mind with this list. If you go out of your way to take photographs of something that makes you look suspicious it may get you into trouble. That is why you should steer clear of any military images with your camera – as these could be misconstrued.

On the flip side of things, there are some subjects that you are not allowed to take photographs of and sell legally. You won't get a set list here so you need to use a little sound judgment and common sense before you make any decisions. First of all, you should ask if the person has an expectation of privacy then if the image is embarrassing for the person and finally if you are misrepresenting the person in any way. These photos can easily become libel risks and should never be published. What you are shooting an image of is not an issue, but the intent of the image or the result of having that image published. Of course, if you can get written consent for these kinds of photos, it is okay to have them published.

In the end, the goal of any good photographer should be to respect the expectations of privacy that every man and woman has. If you do this and stay clear of any photographs that might get you in trouble with Homeland Security, you will be okay with just about any photos you take.

For anyone out there who is seeking a path to become a professional photographer and start plying your trade for a living, start out by checking out Click Here to Get Started on Your Photography Career! – the fastest and most direct route to a career in taking photos.

The Things You Need to Start Your Career as a Stock Photographer

Everyone has dreams. They have things they would like to be – places they would like to take themselves in the world and yet there are always so many obstacles standing in their way. You can try as hard as you want to be the next big thing and make something of yourself, but if you don't have the resources to go out there and seize your dream, it can become quite hard to figure out what it actually takes to pull it off. In the case of photography, where someone might not even realize that their passion or talent is a valuable skill, that can mean a lot.

What Photographers Need to Know

If you are serious about becoming a paid photographer, you need to learn what it takes to start out in the career. That means going out and figuring out what is involved in getting yourself off the ground. Every one needs a good camera to start with – ideally a Digital Single Les Reflex camera. Additionally, you need a dedicated flash, two separate lenses for different distances, polarizing filters, extra media cards so that you don't have to worry about space and a tripod to keep the camera steady. Additionally, it is recommended that you always have a spare set of batteries on hand for your flash and the camera itself.

If you can put together at least this bare minimum set of materials, you will be able to start on the path to becoming a paid photographer. Of course, you need to start figuring out who will pay you and what they will pay you for. Many photographers think that if they are not getting listed in a magazine or a book, they are not successful in their efforts. However, the truth is that you can be successful with any number of different methods, including the taking of stock photos which can be sold on the Internet for repeat prices.

In the end, if you can work yourself into the role of a dedicated photographer of a given topic, you will start to learn what it takes to effective in your field. You will be able to start making more money from stock photos that earn residual income from repeat purchases as well as more advanced and well structured photographs.

For anyone interested in a career in photography, it should start with a site like Click Here to Get Started on Your Photography Career! – the ultimate stop for anyone serious about making a career out of their camera.

The Things You Need to Start Your Career as a Stock Photographer

Everyone has dreams. They have things they would like to be – places they would like to take themselves in the world and yet there are always so many obstacles standing in their way. You can try as hard as you want to be the next big thing and make something of yourself, but if you don't have the resources to go out there and seize your dream, it can become quite hard to figure out what it actually takes to pull it off. In the case of photography, where someone might not even realize that their passion or talent is a valuable skill, that can mean a lot.

What Photographers Need to Know

If you are serious about becoming a paid photographer, you need to learn what it takes to start out in the career. That means going out and figuring out what is involved in getting yourself off the ground. Every one needs a good camera to start with – ideally a Digital Single Les Reflex camera. Additionally, you need a dedicated flash, two separate lenses for different distances, polarizing filters, extra media cards so that you don't have to worry about space and a tripod to keep the camera steady. Additionally, it is recommended that you always have a spare set of batteries on hand for your flash and the camera itself.

If you can put together at least this bare minimum set of materials, you will be able to start on the path to becoming a paid photographer. Of course, you need to start figuring out who will pay you and what they will pay you for. Many photographers think that if they are not getting listed in a magazine or a book, they are not successful in their efforts. However, the truth is that you can be successful with any number of different methods, including the taking of stock photos which can be sold on the Internet for repeat prices.

In the end, if you can work yourself into the role of a dedicated photographer of a given topic, you will start to learn what it takes to effective in your field. You will be able to start making more money from stock photos that earn residual income from repeat purchases as well as more advanced and well structured photographs.

For anyone interested in a career in photography, it should start with a site like Click Here to Get Started on Your Photography Career! – the ultimate stop for anyone serious about making a career out of their camera.