What Are Green Energy Sources

Many homeowners today are looking into integrating green energy sources for developing more energy efficient homes and businesses.  A green energy source is power generated through renewable resources, such as the sun, wind and water.  The other benefit of green energy sources is their low contribution to global warming, pollution and other environmental issues. 

The most popular of green energy sources is the sun.  Energy captured from the sun is called solar energy.  Of the green energy sources, solar energy is the most popular because it offers multiple options for use.  It is possible to harness electrical energy from the sun using solar panels consisting of photovoltaic cells that convert energy from the sun into electricity you can use in your home or business.  There are also solar hot water collectors that use the heat of the sun to produce hot water.  These solar green energy sources are readily available and increasing in popularity as most homes and businesses can have them mounted on their roof and they can take advantage of lowered utility costs.

The most efficient of green energy sources is wind.  Wind has been used to power water pumps for centuries, but has grown in popularity as a way to supplement home and business electricity needs.  Wind is the safest and cleanest of the green energy sources as it produces no pollutants and does not contribute to global warming.  Wind energy is harnessed by erecting a turbine that spins in the breeze generating electricity.  Unlike the sun, which can be found almost anywhere, in order to utilize wind as a green energy source, you must live in an area where wind is readily available. 

Water is also a viable participant of green energy sources.  Water is less widely used as a green energy source for homes, as not all homes have an available stream to produce the needed electricity.  The Amish have used water to power entire shops using conveyer belt systems, so it is an old practice, but it is still being used successfully today.  As with solar and wind energy, energy harnessed from moving water is almost completely pollutant free and is generated from a renewable resource.

Green energy sources are available for use to combat global warming, our dependence on fossil fuels and to lower our monthly budget.  Investing in green energy sources for your home and business needs can add dollars to your wallet and years to the life of our Earth.  






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