Off Grid Living-You Can Do It Too

More and more people are realizing that you can still enjoy modern amenities while enjoying the independence of off grid living.  Being off the grid means being exactly that, off the grid.  No power lines, no electric bills, and being free of utility grid demands, not to mention their ever-rising rates.  Off grid living is environmentally friendly and cost effective and it is an option available to almost any one owning a home.

The principles of off grid living may be applied to any home in the world, even those currently tied to the grid.  From solar panels, hydropower and windmills, there is growing curiosity in off grid living and breaking free from fossil fuel burning power plants.  The technologies have advanced and the costs have dropped greatly.
Even do-it-yourselfers can take leaps into off grid living with many kits, resources and manuals available for instruction.  As energy demands increase globally, those living off grid can rest easy knowing their own energy costs are diminishing.

The idea of off grid living can be scary to some who believe they will have to give up some of their most prized possessions and electronic gadgets to achieve such freedom.  This is very far from the truth.  Off grid living is simply about learning to moderate your use of electricity.  It can be as simple as turning off lights that are not really in use.  Purchasing appliances that don't use energy when not in use (like clocks on microwaves and stoves).  Learning to unplug, not just turn off.  Things like computers and printers, well anything with the little green light that is always on, these items are stealing precious energy and adding to your bill.  Wanting to become part of the off grid living adventure, doesn't always mean giving up everything, sometimes it just means getting smarter about the things you have.

Off grid living has gotten so popular that even completely re-locatable high efficiency homes are being produced to meet those needs.  Very similar to mobile homes and travel travelers in layout and definitely only designed for a one or two person dwelling, these housing units use solar power, passive solar design and a small amount of natural gas to provide off grid living that you can take with you when you move.

If you are interested in off grid living, but need more success stories to drive you over the teetering point then start your research on the Internet.  There are tons of great resources available and individuals who took the plunge into off grid living with great success telling their stories.  Imagine, no more gathering around that one little candle when the power goes out, or having the neighbors over to watch their favorite shows when there is a blackout.  Off grid living is obtainable for anyone and you too can enjoy the life of off grid living no matter where you make your home.






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