Natural Hair Loss Solutions

Hair loss is a very common problem in the whole world. Various factors like heredity and improper diet can determine the hair growth of a person. Due to intake of a lot of food with high sugar content can also lead to hair loss. A person also loses hair when affected by harmful chemicals present in shampoos and conditioners. If one wants a good hair growth for lifetime then one has to always opt for natural ways instead of artificial treatments. A lot of stress and tension is also one of the major causes of hair fall in women. Taking in healthy diet, exercising daily are some few tips which one can follow.

Some basic concerns like washing hair thrice a week, taking care that dandruff is not present as it is also a major cause for hair fall.

Coming to diet, one should avoid food containing high sugar content. Vitamin C also helps in enhancing both, the quality and the growth of the hair. One should consume at least two lemons per day. Eating protein containing food contributes a lot to hair growth. Eating one banana regularly strengthens one hair. Having an onion during lunch is advisable by many hair specialists as it prevents hair fall and also improves one's quality of hair. These are some tips that should be into concern while planning their diet.

Exercise also contributes a lot in preventing hair fall due to more blood circulation. After washing hair, it is recommended to take hot towel treatment. It involves steaming a towel, and then applying on hair. It prevents breakage of hair. Instead of using chemical conditioners, one should add two tablespoon honey to one cup water and apply it on hair followed by rinsing it after two minutes. Using herbal shampoos will prevent hair loss in future.

If these tips are taken into action then one will start noticing the result at least after a month.



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